Elizabeth Phillips
PhD student
University of Toronto
After completing a BSc in Environmental Geology at Queen’s University I completed a Master’s degree at the University of Toronto. I am currently a PhD student working in the Stable Isotope Laboratory (SIL) at the University of Toronto. My research focuses on use of compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) to investigate the mechanisms of microbial degradation of organic contaminants. Through this research, I hope to develop strategies to optimize the degradation of these compounds at contaminated field sites.
MAGNET has provided me with some invaluable opportunities to learn about different areas of geochemistry, to explore the geology of different areas of the world and to develop professional skills that will help me throughout my career. Through MAGNET I have met so many great scientists who have provided me with advice and inspiration throughout my graduate studies thus far. I’m very grateful for the network that I have been apart with through MAGNET.
Last updated May 2018