Ian Clark
Professor of Isotope Hydrology
University of Ottawa

In the Earth Science Department at the University of Ottawa, we have built up over the years considerable analytical infrastructure for isotopes and geochemistry, including the GG Hatch Stable Isotope Laboratory, the MAPL Noble Gas Laboratory, IsoTrace AMS Facility, a SEM/Microprobe Laboratory and our ICP Geochemistry Lab.

My research interests involve the development of environmental isotope and geochemistry approaches to solve groundwater and environmental problems. Stable isotopes and radioisotopes measured at the natural abundance levels found in nature, are tracers of water, solutes and gases. Noble gases also play an important role in current research programs, with emphasis on tritiogenic and geogenic helium, as well as the isotopes of the atmospheric and fissionogenic noble gases. Together with geochemical tools, research focuses on groundwater and environmental materials in a range of landscapes from deep subsurface to the Arctic.

Current research programs involving our analytical facilities:

  • Permafrost hydrogeology
  • Water and brine in low permeability geological settings for nuclear waste isolation
  • The environmental dispersion of radionuclides from the nuclear industry
  • Carbon and nutrient cycling in agricultural watersheds
  • Groundwaters in arid regions
